Vodje FTX so dali $70 Milijonov tako demokratom kot republikancem, ki gredo v 2022 Srednji izpit v ZDA

Po propadu FTX, številni novinarji so poročali o dejstvu, da so vodstveni delavci FTX namenili znatne donacije političnim voditeljem v Združenih državah. Med zadnjim volilnim ciklom, ki je vodil v ZDA. vmesni roki v 2022, poročila…

230 Ekonomisti opozarjajo, da bo zakon o znižanju inflacije, ki ga je predlagala ameriška vlada, spodbudil inflacijo

Prejšnji teden, Democrats unveiled climate and health care legislation called theInflation Reduction Act,” and theres a lot of debate over the name of the proposed public policy measures. After the legislation was revealed, 230 economists sent a letter to the

US Treasury Launching Cryptocurrency Awareness Program

ZDA. Department of the Treasury is launching a cryptocurrency awareness program. “mi’re just trying to raise awareness without trying to stamp out new technology and new innovation,” said an official of the Treasury. Zakladnica’s Efforts to Raise Crypto Awareness The